Working Paper
Quezada F. J., Tommasi, D., Kaplan, I., Muhling, B. and Stohs, S. (2025): "Are fishing decisions flexible? Participation, species target, and landing location choices in the U.S. West Coast Coastal Pelagic Species fishery" Submitted to Internal Review at NOAA
Quezada F. J., P.-Y. Hernvann, D. Tommasi, T.H. Frawley, D. Garcia, L. Ibaibarriaga, S. Sánchez-Maroño, C. de Moore, J. Beckensteiner, A.M. Schueller, R. Mroch, D. Feijó, D. Ciorciaro, H. Kurota, et al. (2025): "Responses of Fishers and Fishery Managers to Changes in Forage Fish Distribution and Abundance, and Socio-economic Impacts" Submitted to Academic Journal
Muhling, B.A.; Zwolinski, J.; Kuriyama, P.; Auth, T.; Brodeur, R.D.; Jiménez-Rosenberg, S.; Aceves-Medina, G.; Gasti, J. A.; Jacox, M.; Pozo Buil, M.; Fiechter, J.; Quezada, F. J.; Tommasi, D. (2025): "Marine heatwaves and climate-driven warming impact availability of sardine subpopulations to northeast Pacific fishing ports" Submitted to Academic Journal
Work in progress...
Impact of climate and ecosystem change on the California Current forage complex and the fishing communities and predators it sustains (with D. Tommasi, I. Kaplan, B. Muhling, S. Stohs, T. Frawley, S. Koenigstein, E. Hazen, P.-Y. Hernvann, I.C. Kaplan, R.P. Wildermuth, et al.)